Suudi Arabistan'in en onemli vakiflarindan Kral Faysal Vakfi'nin her sene verdigi odullerden en prestijlisi olan Islam'a Hizmet dalindaki odulunu bu yil Basbakan R. Tayyip Erdogan kazandi. Vakfin web sitesindeki duyuruya gore odul Erdogan'in islam dunyasina yaptigi liderlik ve Istanbul belediye baskani iken sehre katkilarindan dolayi verildi. Duyurunun ilgili bolumu :
... whose achievements, in political and administrative terms, have set an example of judicious leadership in the Islamic world. Erdoğan's contributions during his tenure as mayor of Istanbul have been instrumental to the progress of that city. Following his election as Prime Minister of Turkey, he embarked on a series of reforms that quickly established him as a statesman of enormous dimension, while his unyielding position on various Islamic and global issues has gained him the respect of the entire Islamic nation and the rest of the world.
Nationally, Erdoğan has pioneered a major campaign of economic, social and cultural reforms that paved the way for substantial national development and placed Turkey among the world's leading countries, economically and industrially, without compromising his ideals of democracy and justice. With the strong support of his citizens, he has also rendered an outstanding service to Islam by fiercely defending the rights and just causes of the Islamic nation, particularly the rights of the Palestinian people. At the global level, Erdoğan was one of the Muslim founders of the call for understanding between civilizations, and a strong advocate of dialogue, peaceful co-existence and international cooperation between different cultures throughout the world.
Turkcesini ozetlersek :
Erdogan, basbakan secildikten sonra hayata gecirdigi reformlarla cok yonlu bir devlet adami oldugunu gosterdi, bu sirada kuresel meselelerdeki durusuyla da Islam dunyasinin saygisini kazandi. Erdogan oncu oldugu ekonomik sosyal ve kulturel atilimlar sayesinde Turkiye'nin dunyanin lider ulkelerinden birisi olmasinin yolunu acti. Halkinin guclu destegi sayesinde ise Islam dunyasinin haklarinin savunulmasinda cok onemli roller ustlendi. Ozellikle Filistin halkinin haklarinin guclu bir avukati oldu. Kuresel olcekte, medeniyetler arasi diyalogun kurulmasindaki musluman onculer arasinda yer aldi.
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